Recent statistics show that 50% of Men over the age of 50 have some form of hair loss. The most common form of hair loss is called Androgenic Alopecia, or male pattern baldness.

Many men start to resort to over the counter medications and topical solutions to try and stop or reverse thinning or balding. Many are very disappointed to see that their hair does not return as advertised. Some products have been shown to slow down the process of hair loss, however, over time or discontinued use of the product will eventually lead to the inevitable hair loss.

Surgical procedures, such as hair restoration or hair transplants have come a long way. However, they are expensive, painful, time consuming, leave scarring, and may or may not be successful. Also, there is no guarantee that the procedure will work in the long run.

For sufferers of regular hair loss or alopecia, SMP offers an effective cosmetic hair loss solution. Competent application of the SMP technique results in the appearance of a cropped hairstyle, regardless of your hair loss situation. Even clients who are completely bald can have an undetectable, natural looking hairline again.

Scalp micropigmentation procedures are not all the same. Each client will require a different amount of coverage and density. For this reason, we do not have a set price list of costs for these procedures. As a general guide, most scalp micropigmentation procedures at Victoria Scalp cost between $2000 - $4000 for crown to hairline treatment plans.

Scalp scars, transplant donor scars, and special cases such as traction alopecia all require a variety of attention. We are happy to quote your individual case.